
Points won by France GICQUEL [Greatbritty] in 2025 compared to current (sublegaue) leader and Vox Populi.

Percentage of points won by France GICQUEL [Greatbritty] in 2025 for each competition.

Points won by France GICQUEL [Greatbritty] in 2025 compared to current (sublegaue) leader and Vox Populi.

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Points won by France GICQUEL [Greatbritty] in 2025.

Date Race Points
Semi-Classic stage-races (Tour of Britain, ...) 08-Feb OmanTour of Oman 160
Semi-Classic stage-races (Tour of Britain, ...) 10-Feb OmanTO3: Fanja – Eastern Mountain 15
Semi-Classic stage-races (Tour of Britain, ...) 12-Feb OmanTO5: Imty – Jabal Al Akhdhar 15