Race results for all riders

Semi-Classic stage-races (Tour of Britain, ...) France Fri 19-May-23 4J4: Maubeuge – Achicourt

# Points Rider
Race results for all players in Cobblestone League

Semi-Classic stage-races (Tour of Britain, ...) France Fri 19-May-23 4J4: Maubeuge – Achicourt

# Points Gap Team - Player
1 Belgium 48    priscilla himpe [de supappen]
2 Ireland 40 -8  lad [omaolia]
2 Belgium 40 -8  ghekiere jo [Najobo-team]
2 Spain 40 -8  POCHO [QUEEN LETIZIA]
2 Basque Country 40 -8  jon ezeitza [sutsuenak]
6 Portugal 33 -15  Teams [Ângelo]
6 Belgium 33 -15  Serse Coppi [Serse Productions]
6 United States 33 -15  Ben [Thus Spoke Zarathustra]
6 Kazakhstan 33 -15  alastair leith [clembuterol wheelers]
6 Portugal 33 -15  Daniel Mouriño Hermida [va pot ti Chava]
6 Argentina 33 -15  Jose Romero []
12 Colombia 25 -23  HanK [SumapaZ]
12 Belgium 25 -23  Hans Del [La relation francophone]
12 Norway 25 -23  Andreas Jørgensen [Solbyfolket]
12 United Kingdom 25 -23  John Hussey [Peddling a Dream]
12 United States 25 -23  Brendan [Craic & Scandal]
12 Canada 25 -23  Mark [Team Maet]
12 United States 25 -23  Barry Boyce [CCB/VW]
12 United States 25 -23  Cyclevangelist [Alara Racing]
12 Belgium 25 -23  bastaix [Gummarus]
12 Netherlands 25 -23  Neuve [Angels of the Mountains]
12 Belgium 25 -23  Jean-Pierre [Rollez]
12 United States 25 -23  Steve Jean [Road Rash]
12 United Kingdom 25 -23  Chris [Shut Up Legs]
12 Belgium 25 -23  Johan De Pontieu [Dead Raccoon]
26 Belgium 15 -33  Florence Heylen [Flondrien]
26 Belgium 15 -33  Brecht Goerlandt [Goerrich Haussler]
26 Netherlands 15 -33  J. van Wouw [Sjonnie]
26 Spain 15 -33  JRA [JRA1]
30 Vatican City 8 -40  POPULI [VOX]
30 Italy 8 -40  LILLY ON THE ROAD [Giovanni]
30 Italy 8 -40  Ivano [Mortirolo]
30 United States 8 -40  Sancho [American Flyers]
30 Belgium 8 -40  Thijs1 [Pret en verzet]
30 Kazakhstan 8 -40  maffy [almaty]
30 Sweden 8 -40  Hans Thyren [Run4fun]
30 United Kingdom 8 -40  BARRY CAKE [A LILAC HARRY QUINN]
30 United States 8 -40  BP [Hardmen]
30 Belgium 8 -40  Y. Courtens [Van Lancker for ever 2]
30 United Kingdom 8 -40  Steve Leather [Otley RC]
30 United States 8 -40  McGee [Briones Bombers]
30 United States 8 -40  LW [Newbies]
30 Spain 8 -40  Juanrito [Antinatural]